Monday, October 23, 2017

#6 through #17 Keyboarding School - On-Line

Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. -- Vince Lombardi

#6. Intermediate -
There is always more room for practice. Great piano musicians, don't stop at greatness, they practice. Football teams that are made up of the best players in the world, still practice. The same is true for BUSINESS SKILLS, practice. Keyboarding is a skill that although useful right now today -- may not even be practiced in the future. It just may be a SKILL that is no longer needed as technology continues to advance.

My goal is to help get you ready for ALL possibilities of the FUTURE and for right now; that includes KEYBOARDING -- SO, we are going to practice.

You should have set up an account on the website TYPING.COM earlier in class. You should also have started the beginner portion of the STUDENT LESSONS (just for practice). Now it is time to get into it!
1. Create a POST in your class Blog   
     a. Title the POST: "Typing.Com - Common English Words"
     b. You will create a new post for every Intermediate Lesson
2. Open the website (click on this link)
How to Set-up Your Student Account:


4. Begin at LESSON 1 - "Common English Words"
     a. In your POST record the total results given to you at the end of the 19 little typing drills (there are 19 in "Common English Words", the following lessons will have different number of drills)
     b. EXAMPLE: (this is the screen at the end of "Common English Words"

If you can do a screen capture, like above, you can put the screen capture in your blog post. OR, you can type in your results like this:

Common English Words: 54/57 Stars; 53 wpm; 97% accuracy; 3:23 time

5. At the end of each LESSON (1 through 19) You will take a timed typing test, you can chose the 3 minute test.

6. At the end of your TIMED TEST you will get a page that shows your test results that looks like this:

If you can do a screen capture, like above, you can put the screen capture in your blog post. OR, you can type in your results like this:

Common English Words: 54/57 Stars; 53 wpm; 97% accuracy; 3:23 time

Common English Words 3 min. Timed Test: 48wpm 98% accuracy

7. In the end you will have a total of 11 POSTS in your Course Portfolio Blog. One post for each of the INTERMEDIATE LESSONS.

Each POST will have the same title as the lesson from the INTERMEDIATE section of lessons in Typing.Com.

Example of a POST for your Portfolio Blog:




Common English Words: 54/57 Stars; 53 wpm; 97% accuracy; 3:23 time

Common English Words 3 min. Timed Test: 48wpm 98% accuracy

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