Thursday, December 14, 2017

#19 For Sale Poster

We are going to use the table that we created on Tuesday to make a POSTER of something that is FOR SALE.

We made the TABLE to better format our POSTER. Watch the following VIDEO to see how we did that:

Google "Craigslist"
Go to "Craigslist Boise For Sale"
Find the Weirdest thing that you can find.

Now watch and follow along as we make a poster for your very special item!

Monday, December 4, 2017

#18 I'm Dreaming of a TECHNOLOGY Christmas

TECHNOLOGY - The Past, The Present, The Future, and BEYOND!

Eventually you are going to grow-up get an awesome education and then be responsible for the future of the entire world. No, not because you are SUPERMAN or WONDER WOMAN, but because my generation will be passing on the this responsibility to your generation.



1. Create a DOC in Google DOCS titled: "What I think the Future Holds"
2. Now imagine that you have fast-forwarded 15 to 20 years. All the technology that you saw and read about both in this BLOG and in the Corvette are in every car by then. It's as old as the retractable seat-belt now.
3. Let's not talk about computers, but what else do you think will have amazing advancement; what are your predictions. 

Ideas: Aircraft, Automobiles, Medical Care, Robotics, Education, Sports, Construction, or What-Else you can come up with....

4. Write it--Write a Google DOCS paper in MLA format and then EMBED your paper into you BLOG (don't worry, I'll show you how). In your paper you will have 4 sub-titles:

  • The Past
  • The Present
  • The Future
  • And Beyond
Pick a topic like those mentioned above. Write about the past development of that topic, how that technology is used today. Write about what the industry is predicting for the near future in the topic that you have picked. Then I want to see your imagination. Where can your topic go, what is the long-term development for the topic you are writing about. Be creative, spend some time, look up your ideas on the net, see what's happening. Add some pictures, too. 

(no less than 200 words-no more than 2000 words).

How to Create an MLA Paper in Google DOCS: